Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Month of Thankfulness: Day 11

November 11th, 2013 we learned that our family is being blessed with another little girl
 - a third girl -  
Miss Katelyn Rae Gunter.

We are beyond excited and extremely thankful that God has blessed us with another girl.
I love all the pink, the dress up, the tea parties, the baby dolls, and princesses. I love having my little helpers in the kitchen or with the chores. And all the craft projects and snuggle times.

It is definitely a huge responsibility to raise godly women in a society that does not necessarily promote such living. It is also a huge honor to be given the responsibility of teaching three little girls how to be a mommy and a wife. There are many many times that I feel I fall short in my duties as a wife and mother, but maybe I am doing something right (or at least have good potential) if God feels I am capable of training up three to be godly wives and mothers.
I am thankful for this responsibility and for this honor.

I am excited to see how Katelyn fits into our family, and to see the bond of sisters grow. I look forward to seeing my three daughters grow as sisters who will one day travel their adult life together. It is my hope and prayer that they provide a deep friendship for one another and provide daily encouragement as they strive to be the women God has called them be.

My heart is filled with love for three little girls.
I absolutely could not ask for more.
God has blessed me beyond measure and for this I am very thankful!

Also, the timing of God blessing us with another girl was perfect. In May of this year, my Gramma  - Leah Rae - went home to be with Jesus. I was able to spend her last weeks in Kentucky with her. She will always have a special place in my heart. A little over a month later, God began creating a little girl inside my womb unknown to me. After learning we were going to have another baby, David and I talked about using the name "Rae" as a middle name if we were to have a girl in honor of my Gramma. Two days before we were to learn the gender, David told me a name he thought of to go with Rae ... it happened the be the exact name that popped in my head a few days earlier: Katelyn. It was perfect. The more I thought about the name, and the timing of being able to name a child after my grandmother - a child who was conceived a little over a month after Gramma went to heaven, the more I yearned for a girl. My prayers for the next two days were asking God for a little girl that we could name Katelyn Rae. Not only did God answer my prayers of those two days, but He knew my heart months before I ever spoke those prayers. I love seeing how God works and how His actions prove how much he knows our hearts and how much He loves us.

If it is not obvious, my heart is overflowing with thanksgiving to my God for blessing our family with another little girl.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Month of Thankfulness: Day 10

In a world filled with persecution and laws preventing freedom of religion, I am thankful to have the freedom to attend my church every week - multiple times a week - at my own free will. I don't have anyone saying I have to attend church, or I have to attend a specific church at specific times. And I don't have to fear for my life or be afraid of being imprisoned for going to church.
Sometimes it is so easy to think about everything that is wrong with our country, world, or life. But when we can stop and think about how much worse other people have it compared to us, we can find that we are actually very blessed and have a lot to be thankful for.

Month of Thankfulness: Day 9

I am thankful for Christmas Shopping!
I know that seems silly on the surface, but I am extremely excited to be able to shop for the ones I love. I get a huge thrill from imagining what will light up their faces when they unwrap that present and see a big surprise! To think about what these precious people desire and like is such fun, a test of "how well do I know my girls?" Or to see them have their eyes on something for a while that I just *know* will make them very happy to find that item under the tree on Christmas - and be able to fulfill that dream of theirs. Priceless.

I know Christmas is not all about receiving gifts, and we are very intentional to teach our children the true meaning of Christmas. But there is such joy in GIVING gifts. I imagine we get this joy of giving straight from the heart of God, as I am sure He finds complete joy in bestowing blessings and gifts upon us, His children. And I hope my children also learn the joy of giving.

This year has been the first year that we were able to set money aside throughout the year specifically for Christmas. We were able to create a list of things we wanted to get the girls and each other, and then we were able to do some shopping here and there along the way. It is not even December yet and we are mostly done with our shopping. I think this has been by far my most favorite holiday year and we haven't even gotten to Christmas yet. 

The only downside to having shopping done so early is that now we have a whole month to wait before we can give these gifts! 

It is a good thing they are oblivious to the bags/boxes hidden in the attic.

Month of Thankfulness: Day 8

I am thankful for sleepovers at Gigi and Papa's house. When we lived in North Carolina, our closest family was 3.5 hours away. Having little kids beginning to form attachment to family members made it even harder to not live near family.
Now that we live here, we have lots of family nearby. I love seeing the girls get excited to see those family members with whom they have formed lifelong attachments.
And not only do they get to spend weekly time with family, but Mommy and Daddy get some much needed "us" time. It is hard to intentionally plan and spend quality time together alone as a couple with small children. But after spending day in and day out with precious little ones, it is imperative that we have some grown up time. Having family nearby makes that a lot easier :) It used to be if we wanted a date, we had to budget for the date and the sitter. Now we just budget for a date, and the girls get to enjoy the spoilings of Gigi and Papa (and yes, they are spoiled). But I wouldn't have it any other way. I am glad our girls have family who loves on them, who makes them feel special, who spoils them.
It is also wonderful for the girls to be able to experience time away from Mommy and Daddy. Sometimes they get so used to always being with us that it makes it difficult for them to be away from us. Having trusted family to leave them with helps with that transition. It gives them a safe and comfortable place to build their confidence and independence away from us.
Thank you to my wonderful in-laws for loving me like their own and for loving on my children :)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Month of Thankfulness: Day 7

I am thankful for David's job. No matter what has come our way, he has worked hard (even crazy hours) to do what he could to provide for his family. I am blessed to have a working husband who does what is necessary to take care of his wife and children.

Sometimes I catch myself getting frustrated wanting more for him and for us. I think (and say) too often that this job was supposed to be just a stepping stone to gain experience and move up in his field. I get impatient wanting his career to grow, wanting to see him be recognized for his talents, and of course, wanting to see the paycheck increase that comes with promotions or new jobs that help him move up the career ladder.

But I cannot tell you how many times God has shown me over and over again that I need to be content with the season He has us in.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord
“They are plans for good and not for disaster, 
to give you a future and a hope." 
Jeremiah 29:11

As much as my humanly impatience and selfishness likes to jump in and try to take control, God is always there quietly reminding me that He is in control. He knows our struggles. He knows our strengths. He has great plans for us. He simply requires us to trust Him and obey. 
When I stop trying to leave a season, stop trying to be in control, and start seeking out God first, that is when I am able to stand back and recognize all of His blessings. He always comes through for us in such a way that I have no doubt at all that it was God taking care of us or providing for our needs.
Even as a grown up, I have to constantly distinguish between my wants and my needs. And thankfully, my husband's job provides for the needs we have as a family right now in this season. Maybe down the road, this job won't be enough - but we are not "down the road" yet. And if I am stressing about "down the road," then I am not showing that I trust that God will continue to provide for us when we get down the road the same that He has been providing for us all along.

For now, my husband has a dependable job. We don't have to worry about him having hours cut.
His job allows for overtime opportunities that always seem to show up at times needed most. His shift is a wonderful Monday-Friday 7a-3p shift, which means we get to have Daddy home in the afternoons and evenings with plenty of time to enjoy playtime before dinner time. He has weekends off. I absolutely love his schedule, especially compared to the crazy shifts he has worked in the past. His pay is double what he was making working a full time retail shift. I am very thankful for this. I am very blessed. Without this job, there is no way I could stay home with our children and homeschool them. Sometimes I just need a little reminder to be thankful of what I do have, and to stop looking ahead at what I don't have yet, or at the things I don't need.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Month of Thankfulness: Day 6

Today I am thankful for the flexibility of being able to stay home with my girls (and future little one). While obviously there are times where it would be nice to have a two income family, I can honestly say that I wouldn't trade the ability to be the one to raise our children, to teach them, to influence them, to spend special time bonding with them for a little extra financial freedom. To me, the time I am spending with these little beings that have been entrusted to my care cannot be replaced with money. It is worth so much more than anything money can buy. (Besides, this is a season. When they are older, we can become a 2 income family that will allow us to help them through college, and be able to bless them by spoiling our future grandchildren.)
The time that I am with them now is laying the foundation of who they will be when they grow up. What kind of adults will they be? What kind of parents will they be? Will they love God and strive to follow His word? Will they make a difference in their world? These are things that matter in the long run - not what brand clothes or shoes they wear now, or whether or not they had the best toys, or grew up in the largest, fanciest house, or even rode in a brand new car. These things are merely material possessions that just don't matter in the long run. What does matter are the values I am able to instill in them when we have our moments together; the lessons I am able to teach them as we explore the world together; the chance for them to see these lessons being modeled out for them by their parents; the relationship that is created allowing them to feel safe, secure, and able to trust their parents. It is my hope and prayer that all of this effort now will help them as they grow and make wise choices.
As I stated earlier, this is a season. My babies will only be little for a little while. This season will leave us all too quickly. I want to be able to soak up all the time I possibly can with these precious souls. To make my mark on their lives. And to do my best to be a good steward of the responsibility God has placed before me. I know without a shadow of a doubt that God has created me to be a mom and a homemaker. And while I am no where perfect at this job and I know I have SO much to learn still, I know that I am exactly where I need to be. This is exactly the job God has called me to be. And if He has called me, He will equip me. I have already seen how He has provided for us as a one income family - even when times seem tight. I know He will continue to bless and provide for us as we try to model our family after the design He created just for us. And for this, I am very thankful!

Please note: I completely understand that this is not ideal for every family. I fully respect moms and dads who work hard to support their families - whatever that looks like for their individual family.
There is no one-size-fits-all for families. This post was simply me expressing what I feel God has planned for my specific family and how I see this played out in our own personal situation.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Month of Thankfulness: Day 5

I am overwhelmed with thankfulness for this little one growing inside of me. As I sit here and type this, I am feeling the precious movements that reassure me of a healthy babe. Having a child grow inside of me and then bringing it into this world is hands down the most amazing experience I will ever have. 
There is simply something so breathtaking knowing that God has specifically chosen David and I to be parents to a little being that He has fashioned and designed to be the perfect fit with our family. Even now as my little one has been growing for only 20 weeks, God is busy shaping the uniqueness of our special one to come. 
I am thankful to have another opportunity to have God create something out of myself and my husband, and the love we share for each other. To bond with someone so precious even before I lay eyes on him or her. To experience love at first sight.
I am excited to add to our family, to watch our girls be big sisters to this little one, and to feel all of our hearts grow just a little bit more as we embrace another member to our precious family.

Can't wait to meet you little one :) I love you already!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Month of Thanksgiving: Day 4

Today I am thankful for my little ball of 3 year old energy and spunk ... Miss Kathryn Elena. She is such a Mama's girl. This little girl can get me to smile and laugh with the flash of her cute little face, but can get my blood boiling with her stubborn defiance. At the end of the day, she is a very smart, independent, three year old. Her personality shines so bright. I love how she looks up to her sister and wants to do everything she does; but in the same breath, she demonstrates just how different her desires and sense of style are from her sister's.
I have been blessed with the opportunity to raise sisters who are close in age. It is so fun to see each of them blossom as an individual. This journey is probably one of the most challenging ones I have ever encountered. I yearn to raise them to be daughters of Christ, who are able to make the right choices even when society is screaming for them to follow a different path. I have been blessed in more ways than I can count as I am traveling along this journey - even if I have many moments I want to scream (and in the heart of this 3rd year of Kathryn's life, she has made me want to scream more times than I am proud of).
But my heart is so full when she is overwhelmed with excitement or pride that her reaction is to squeeze my neck tight and kiss me. Her love language is, without a doubt, touch. She loves to cuddle with me, touch me, hug me, kiss me, run her fingers through my hair, or just sit close to me. Her go to phrase (mostly when she doesn't want to sleep in her own bed) is "I need you." As much as I want her to sleep in her own bed, I know that as a small three year old, that phrase is so true. She truly needs me. And as her mom, I am honored to satisfy her needs. To just hold her and love on her. To simply cherish these moments before I blink and find a young woman standing before me. I love this fiery little girl with all my heart.
When I was pregnant with her, it was hard to imagine loving another child as much as I loved Carissa. But now, I couldn't imagine life without her. I thank God for her and for what she adds to our family.
I love you, Kathryn!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Month of Thankfulness: Day 3

Today I am thankful for my firstborn ... Miss Carissa Hope. A little over 5 years ago she made me a mommy - a title I hold with the greatest honor. I cannot even begin to explain the overwhelming joy that comes with knowing I have been entrusted with such a precious being, someone to raise, to teach, to take care of, to love.
My heart melts every time she runs and hugs me, or kisses my face all over. I absolutely love when she asks me to snuggle with her - knowing it won't be long before those snuggles become fewer and fewer. 
Watching her grow into a big girl who is thoughtful towards others, whose heart is bigger than she is, and who finds joy in being a silly girl is one of my greatest privileges. 
Helping her learn how to think thru the choices she makes to grow into a girl after God's own heart is one of my greatest responsibilities.
As much as I want to keep her a little girl in my arms forever, I do look forward to watching her grow. My heart is so full!

I love you, Carissa! <3

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Month of Thankfulness: Day 2

Today I am thankful for my amazing husband! I can look around and easily see many divorces or relationships that are struggling, but then I look at our marriage and I KNOW that I am blessed! Over 13 years ago I met this boy when we were still young, silly teenagers. Only God could have ordained something so beautiful to begin when we were so young and to carry us to where we are now. 
I look at how much we have both grown up and changed over these last 13 years - and sometimes I laugh to think he stuck with me when I was so immature. But boy am I glad he did. 
I love that we have a relationship that is securely founded on God, and that thru Him we have been able to learn the lessons we need to continue growing together. 
Over the last 13 years we have learned how to communicate (not just talk to or at each other). We have learned a lot about the balance it takes to run a household and raise children. We have helped each other grow as individuals, as a couple, and as parents. We have encouraged each other to be the best we can be, and supported one another's goals and desires. We have walked ups and downs together ... not just the easy times. And all these lessons and more we are committed to continuous learning as we fulfill our vows to one another.

I thank God for this man! I simply cannot imagine my life without him in it, and I wouldn't want to.
I am very thankful for these last 13 years and I am ever so thankful for the years to come as we spend the rest of our lives together! 

I love you, David!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Month of Thankfulness: Day 1

I am first and foremost thankful for my God who was and is and is to come. He has great plans for me and my life; and as I reflect on my life thus far, I have no doubt whatsoever that He has used all for the purpose of good to bring me to where I am now. I know that if He has guided me this far, then the greatness He has for me in the future is beyond what I can fathom. I cannot imagine life without having my God who loves me enough to care about the intimate details of my life! How incredible!

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. (Romans 8:28 NLT)

Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. (Ephesians 3:20 NLT)